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Footage of the IDF during the 6 day war liberating Jerusalem from the Jordanians

602 views 19 upvotes Made by TheeliteMerkalandBrown 10 months ago in History_Memes
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3 ups, 10mo,
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Israel is Chad!
1 up, 10mo,
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Just like John Dillinger. 🤦
1 up, 10mo,
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Im not trying to start an argument, but all im saying is how is the GIF?
2 ups, 10mo,
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It looks like vintage Zionist propaganda. Lies at 24 fps. Is there a statute of limitations on war crimes? It's decent evidence, for use in a prosecution, potentially, I suppose.
2 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
Bro, how is this propaganda? This actually happened in 1967 during the 6 day war. They liberated Jerusalem from the Jordanians, when Jordan annexed the west bank. "Is there a statute of limitations on war crimes? " There were no war crime that the IDF committed, in fact the other side was committing war crimes.
2 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
Cameras don't turn themselves on, or decide which direction to point themselves. That's Zionist War Propaganda. Stealing Jerusalem and the West Bank were the reason why they started that war.

They attacked the USS Liberty in the attempt to get the US to Nuke Egypt. This is the State of Jacob, after all.
1 up, 10mo,
1 reply
Bro, it 1967, cameras were not that advanced. Also, if you want, i can give you the link to the video i got this from, here:
"Stealing Jerusalem and the West Bank were the reason why they started that war." No, it was because Egypt, Jordan, and Syria was threatening to invade Israel. There were chants of death to Israel. "They attacked the USS Liberty" Ok, yes, we should not have done that, but to only look at one source and, oh the country is bad for what happened in the past, is just sad. "US to Nuke Egypt" The US had zero reason to nuke Egypt, as they had good relations.
2 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
The attack on the Liberty, they tried to blame on Egypt. When the ruse didn't work - they pretended that they had mistaken the Liberty for an Egyptian ship, that looked nothing like it.

I wasn't suggesting that there was anything wrong with the camera - just that the camera was being used in the same fashion that Leni Riefenstahl's was. That's a Zionist "Triumph of the Will".

As for the Zionist rationalizations for the crimes of the '67 war... The Germans claimed that they were attacked by Poland, too.
1 up, 10mo,
3 replies
"The attack on the Liberty, they tried to blame on Egypt" Yes, i agree with you and i said we shouldn't have done that, but to focus your entire narrative on that is absurd. "just that the camera was being used in the same fashion that Leni Riefenstahl's was. "just that the camera was being used in the same fashion that Leni Riefenstahl's was." Bro, they were showing the videos of jews praying in the wall, that jews in the past built, they reclaimed the holy land. "The Germans claimed that they were attacked by Poland, too." Well, unlike the Germans, there are lots of proof of Arab countries threatening an attack on Israel.
1 up, 10mo,
4 replies
So Hiram Abiff was Jewish, now? Where's your proof of that? He was a Master Mason from Tyre.

Your links are to pure Hasbarah Nonsense.

I don't need to justify, prohibitions that go back to the book of Ezra. You either follow the Torah (in which case you're Jewish) or you don't (in which case, you're not).

Hertzl was an atheist, and an Ethno-Supremacist, ultra-nationalist. If you read his writings and those of Jabotinsky - you'll find that they pretty much despised pious Torah-faithful Jews. They wanted to create a new, materialistic, unrighteous kind of creature, built in their own image, and that of THEIR father - the father of lies and murder.

The Zionists and the other European Imperialists- are the ones who started the war, it officially started in 1917. When the Zionist Entity finally gets what it has coming - they will have gotten what they deserved. Those who want to survive, should abandon Sodom and Gomorrah - and not look back.

Stealing land through warfare - is a War Crime.

If they wanted any legitimate claim to that land - they should have convinced all the people who lived there - that THEY actually wanted to be citizens of "Israel". But that's hard to do, once they know that your intentions are 2nd class citizenship and Apartheid, at best... Murder, theft and displacement, more commonly. The Zionist entity respects not the laws of G-d, the law of Nations, nor the laws of mankind.
1 up, 10mo
"Because he's a Mason, and that's what Masons have done, from time immemorial, without regard to the Kingdom or Religion that hired them to do the work. You're simply making an AHISTORICAL ASSUMPTION," You are making an absolute fool of yourself, honestly, im losing all my braincells arguing with you. If a person does not care about a religion, why would he built something that would symbolize that religion? Also, the torah always states the holy temple. I dont know what rabbi your talking to, but he is an absolute shame to Judaism, it should be illegal to spread so much misinformation. You are being mislead, and the damages are so bad, you cant be saved. " That's a clear indication that Hertzl wasn't religious" At it again, more lies, pro Palestinians lies 10x more than Israelis and that's just sad. Honestly, stop trying to justify that jews should not go back to their holy land. " He didn't make any religious arguments to support his Worldly and Political movement" Yes he did, how else do you think he managed to get fellow jews to be onboard with Zionism. Man the idiocy is showing. And more proof Zionism are jews, is a guy named Rabbi Goren, seen in this GIF.
"instead he made an argument based in worldly concerns about the National nature of his Ethnic group" He made arguments concerning the antisemitic acts in Europe that was happening at the time. Any historian would know that.
1 up, 10mo
" "you'll find that they pretty much despised pious Torah-faithful Jews" Nope, he endored it, hence why he experienced a lot of anti sematic actions against him."

- he may have suffered some discrimination - but it wasn't because he was wearing a Kippah or practicing the Jewish faith. I'm not clear what Bigotry you're referring to... But the Zionist movement continually collaborated and still collaborates, with some of the biggest racists and bigots on the planet. As a conference on Racism in South Africa concluded, prior to your being born - Zionism IS Racism. And the Genocidal Zionist Bigots in Occupied Palestine, are some of the best examples, of the truth of that.

" "The Zionists and the other European Imperialists" You know i love the fact all your claims are debunked at yet your still still doubling down on those lies. "

- Denied without any evidence is not the same thing as "debunked". Truths that you don't like, and won't honestly address, do not become "lies", thereby.

" "Stealing land through warfare - is a War Crime." The land wasn't stolen, it was given, the rest Israel won after winning a war the Arabs started. "

-Given?!?! Given by whom? Not the lawful owners, certainly. The British (Imperialists) engaged in what's known as a "Constructive Fraud", in the law. That means - A robs from B and gives to C. C can then claim that he didn't rob anyone, and falsely claim lawful ownership. The efforts by Chaim Weizmann, to curry British support and favor during WWI, gives the Lie to your claims, and reveals the Criminal Conspiracy. C isn't even an innocent receiver, in this case.

" "If they wanted any legitimate claim to that land - they should have convinced all the people who lived there " The problem was that the Palestinians never wanted to share the land with the Jews. "

-A: BULLSHIT - they'd been in peaceful cohabitation with Jews for many centuries. Some Palestinians even are Jews. And B: when you OWN SOMETHING - you aren't automatically entitled to share it with anyone - particularly not with people intent on robbing and killing you.

Say I decide that I'm entitled to your house and your bed, and all of your wealth and resources...and I feel justified, because of an ancestry that I falsely claim, to people I whom I say owned it all centuries ago. And you "dOn'T wAnT tO sHaRe"!???!! - how dare you.

"Arabs attacked the Jews, and ... the Jews had to arm themselves."
-That's an absolutely backwards, ahistorical rationalization.
1 up, 10mo
"So Hiram Abiff was Jewish, now?" Then why would he build a temple for jews huh? "Your links are to pure Hasbarah Nonsense." Shows your arrogance to see the truth. "Hertzl was an atheist," He was a jew, always has been, because no atheist would boost for a Jewish state. "you'll find that they pretty much despised pious Torah-faithful Jews" Nope, he endored it, hence why he experienced a lot of anti sematic actions against him. "The Zionists and the other European Imperialists" You know i love the fact all your claims are debunked at yet your still still doubling down on those lies. "Stealing land through warfare - is a War Crime." The land wasn't stolen, it was given, the rest Israel won after winning a war the Arabs started. "If they wanted any legitimate claim to that land - they should have convinced all the people who lived there " The problem was that the Palestinians never wanted to share the land with the Jews. The Arabs attacked the Jews, and eventually the Jews had to arm themselves. All you do is double down on typical Hamas propaganda. If you are held at gunpoint saying this please type blink twice.
1 up, 10mo
"Then why would he build a temple for jews huh?" Uhhhh... Because he's a Mason, and that's what Masons have done, from time immemorial, without regard to the Kingdom or Religion that hired them to do the work. You're simply making an AHISTORICAL ASSUMPTION, that's contradicted by the Torah, no less - because you want something to be true, because it would help you with your worldly (Ultra-)Nationalistic Narratives.

Judaism (the religion) had rejected Nationalism for more than 2000 years. That's a clear indication that Hertzl wasn't religious. Another is him not wearing a Kippah in any of those photos of him. He didn't make any religious arguments to support his Worldly and Political movement - because there are none. The mass of world Jewry would have laughed at-, and mocked him-, to no end if he'd even attempted such an absurdity.

NO - instead he made an argument based in worldly concerns about the National nature of his Ethnic group - no different than those advanced by Bandera or Hitler, or any other Ultra-Nationalistic movement leaders' have. He rejected keeping faith in G-d's protection - rejected the Divine will and Judgement - and pointed to some greatly exaggerated (local) threats to world Jewry, as justification for a worldly and political solution. That amounts to a 'Final Solution' for all of the Palestinians, and a collaboration with the Bigots of Europe and elsewhere, who wanted the Jews GONE and out of their presence.
1 up, 10mo,
7 replies
The deliberate attack on the Liberty (an NSA Signals gathering platform - that was collecting evidence of what all parties in the region were really doing), was a "False Flag". It was an attempt to get the US to attack Egypt with a Nuclear weapon (the Zionist Entity wasn't yet a Nuclear Rogue State) - by making the attack on the American ship appear to have been an Egyptian attack. "By Deception you shall make war". Deception - State of Jacob.
1 up, 10mo

I get it... You only care for History, when it advances your Genocide and Apartheid supporting polemic agenda. The attack on the USS Liberty - a deliberate WAR CRIME, that intentionally murdered US Sailors and NSA personnel - an act of War against the Zionist Entity's Imperial benefactor - merely demonstrates that the Zionist Entity is NOT AN ALLY. Rather it is a cynical and manipulative Imperial colony created by the British, now intent upon taking control over the Empire, through deception and Covert Operations. It's a source of internal subversion of American Democracy and sovereignty - which uses an army of unregistered foreign agents to bribe and buy and blackmail our Government and threaten our rights to dissent - theoretically protected by the Constitution(s - State and Federal).

MEE simply REPUBLISHED, or Published an interview - with a TORAH-Faithful RABBI. He isn't "Hamas" - he's an authentic Jew, calling out your Synagogue of Satan and its clearly stated plans - as Evil and Insane. He doesn't say SATANIC - but I will.

Who's right? You - a kid who's had his ears filled with Ethno-Supremacist, Genocidal, and Nationalistic Heresies - and who lacks the critical thinking skills to see through all of that mischegoss..? Or the guy who went to an Orthodox Yeshiva, and became a teacher of the Torah?... 🤔
1 up, 10mo
"MEE simply REPUBLISHED, or Published an interview - with a TORAH-Faithful RABBI. He isn't "Hamas" - he's an authentic Jew, calling out your Synagogue of Satan and its clearly stated plans - as Evil and Insane. He doesn't say SATANIC - but I will." Are you proving me your becoming an antisemite? Also, why Arnt you commenting on my comments, im not even aware, of you replying to me. Honestly, to put a random person and say hes a zionist, is just a new low, like seriously, its a new low. "Or the guy who went to an Orthodox Yeshiva, and became a teacher of the Torah?.." Teacher of the Torah, my absolute ass. If you followed the torah, you would know that Israel is in the right and the Israel was here first. You have no idea about Judaism whatsoever, so stop lying to yourself, we can see your lies. "I get it... You only care for History, " I care for the history of the right side while you have your brain loged in Hamases ass crack. "The attack on the USS Liberty " Is this all you think about? Your becoming an NPC dressed as a main character.
So, who really is in the right? A random guy who claims to know the history of Judaism and Zionism, but in reality, he has his entire brain loged in Hamases ass crack, or a person who study's Israels and Judaism's history and dosent frequently lie to people, saying any sources is "hasbarah propaganda". I really wonder.
1 up, 10mo
I'm replying where I have to - because you've sealioned us to the edge of the page. Your persistence in "sealioning" looks like Harassment. Your arguments are weak and not new.

Your argument is consistent, I'll give you that. But your stubbornness and 'stiff-necked' determination to be right, does not make 2+2=7

Zionism is a HERETICAL POLITICAL MOVEMENT, which usurps the name of Judaism, and replaces the authentic Jewish faith with Genocidal Ultra-Nationalism. ARE YOU A RABBI? Where did you go to Yeshiva? You're impugning the EARNED POSITION of an actual Rabbi - based upon the Heresies that you've been fed by others - who have ignored the Divinely-decreed EXPULSION of the Jewish People from the Holy land.

"The Promised Land" was "promised" on a CONDITIONAL BASIS. The Jewish Kingdoms failed to live up to the conditions - breaking the promise, from their end. Case closed. Until a Messiah brings the Jewish people back there, "on the wings of Eagles" - on a day of G-d's choosing, not man's - it is an iniquity, and a rebellion against the Almighty. This is a doctrine of the Jewish faith for thousands of years. Your Mr. Beat never mentioned the word "faith", not even once.

It's like you just stopped reading the Torah, after the parts around the time of Solomon. Though clearly, he and David both strayed from the mark, in various ways, as well.

All of the later prophets warned of the iniquities and idolatry, and taking strange women as wives, etc.. And just like you - the Kings didn't listen. They pressed-on, leading to the successive exiles, and the destruction of two Temples, and then indefinite expulsion and exile.

It's like what happens at MSMG. Rules are clearly defined - and then clearly broken. People get banned - and then cry about the judgement upon them. Then they try to Evade their bans. That ban-evasion is Zionism, in this metaphor. You can't unilaterally declare that you've suffered enough, and then re-instate yourself - while breaking a whole slew of rules. That's why Zionism is failing. The world is getting wise to the lies that you keep repeating. The Almighty has no regard for the horrors you commit in his name.

Now excuse, me you obstinate and wicked child - but it is YOU who "have no idea about Judaism whatsoever", so yes, "stop lying", I can see your lies - so can G-d. Your say-so doesn't invalidate the title and office of a Torah-faithful Rabbi. Your personal credibility is already at 0. His remains unimpeached.
1 up, 10mo
"Your arguments are weak and not new." You absolutly not be talking about weak arguments, when all you do is sta in the ball park of "USS Liberty" "Jews dont deserve this land" "Zionism is evil" "Jews are against Israel" Thats all you say, you provide absolutely nothing new to this argument, and i keep debunking these claims. "Zionism is a HERETICAL POLITICAL MOVEMENT, " Zionism, a political movement to boost for a Jewish state and house jews. " ARE YOU A RABBI?" I might not be a Rabbi, but i certainly know more about Israel then the apparent "Rabbis" that mislead you. "who have ignored the Divinely-decreed EXPULSION of the Jewish People from the Holy land." And Zionism reclaimed the holy land to the rightful owners, the Jews. ""The Promised Land" was "promised" on a CONDITIONAL BASIS." It was promised, and it did say that if violence is the last hope, then use it. "The Jewish Kingdoms failed to live up to the conditions - breaking the promise, from their end." And now Israel is rebuilding the kingdoms, you are still trying to justify why Jews shouldn't go back to the holy land. "Your Mr. Beat never mentioned the word "faith", not even once." Well one of my links says it, you refuse to see it. "It's like you just stopped reading the Torah, after the parts around the time of Solomon. Though clearly, he and David both strayed from the mark, in various ways, as well." I have read, you didnt, and as i said, your not Jewish whatsoever. If you were, you would know the legitimacy of a Jewish state, instead of all your knowledge coming from Hamases ass crack. "the Kings didn't listen. They pressed-on, leading to the successive exiles, and the destruction of two Temples, and then indefinite expulsion and exile." The kings didnt listen, but Zionism is proofing different, they are fulfilling G-ds promises. "That's why Zionism is failing. " Source: I made it the f**k up. "The world is getting wise to the lies that you keep repeating. " Nope, the world is only plummeting into more delusion and lies, Israel is the truth, the answer, not the problem. " I can see your lies - so can G-d" G-d knows im telling the truth, your are telling straight lies, if lying was illegal, you would get life in prison for spreading too much Hamas propaganda. G-d protects Israel, hense they are the chosen people, while Palestine or Hamas are G-ds chosen terrorists, not the opposite.
1 up, 10mo
Im, very much aware of what the attacks was targeted for, but as i said, you shouldn't focus your entire motive on something that happened in the past, especially for a meme that has nothing to do with it.
1 up, 10mo
That link "" You got from the middle east eye, obviously its going to be propaganda, the entire channel is just Hamas propaganda on steroids.
1 up, 10mo
"he may have suffered some discrimination - but it wasn't because he was wearing a Kippah or practicing the Jewish faith." Im pretty sure he was, why do you think he would get discriminated on, genius. Use a little bit of your brain. "I'm not clear what Bigotry you're referring to... But the Zionist movement continually collaborated and still collaborates, with some of the biggest racists and bigots on the planet." Source: I made it the f**k up.
"- Denied without any evidence is not the same thing as "debunked". Truths that you don't like, and won't honestly address, do not become "lies", thereby."
My meme will debunk this.
"-Given?!?! Given by whom?" The damn British, how the hell do you claim you know the history, yet at the same time, don't know basic Israeli history. Both, Arabs and Jews did not like the fact Britain was lying to them, so both attacked British places. And the UN would carve out borders making both share the land, which Israel accepted, but the same cant be said to the Palestinians.
"they'd been in peaceful cohabitation with Jews for many centuries." 1948 Arab Israeli war started by Palestinians: Are you sure about that. "But i know good and well a war was not the answer, and there were no robbing's or killing after both independence.
"Say I decide that I'm entitled to your house and your bed, and all of your wealth and resources...and I feel justified, because of an ancestry that I falsely claim, to people I whom I say owned it all centuries ago. And you "dOn'T wAnT tO sHaRe"!???!! - how dare you." More claims that are debunked, cause in history, the exact opposite happened, lets say you live in this house, and some random guy kicks you out because they wanted to, and gave it to someone else, and now you have a chance to take it back to yourself, but they start playing the victims and everyone sides with them. That is the true story. "That's an absolutely backwards, ahistorical rationalization." Nope, all historically accurate
1 up, 10mo,
3 replies
"Proof" - I do not think it means, what you think it means.

"liberated" - "reclaimed" - these are euphemisms for STOLE.

The guy who built the Temple of Solomon, Hiram Abiff, wasn't Jewish - unless I missed something. And I guarantee you that the Jews of that time, weren't white skinned Europeans.

Jews were allowed to go to Jerusalem, and pray at that wall throughout history, certainly through the entire modern era. What you're missing is that they were illegally seizing political control and possession of what was supposed to be a neutral, International City... And now you have Evil/Satanic fanatics, talking about destroying the Dome of the Rock, and building a Third Temple - sacrificing painted calves, etc.. You can't pretend to serve G-d, while in rebellion, and hoping to force the hand of the Almighty.
1 up, 10mo
""Proof" - I do not think it means, what you think it means." If you looked at any of my links you would see proof. "The guy who built the Temple of Solomon, Hiram Abiff, wasn't Jewish" At it again, trying to justify why jews shouldn't go back to their holy land. Hertzl was a Jew and the guy who created the temple was a jew, saying Hertzl wasn't a jew is one thing, now saying the builder of the temple is a complete absurd claim. "What you're missing is that they were illegally seizing political control and possession of what was supposed to be a neutral, International City..." The thing is, since the Arabs declared war on Israel, and lost, Israel seized everything they owned, they had it coming. "And now you have Evil/Satanic fanatics, talking about destroying the Dome of the Rock, and building a Third Temple - sacrificing painted calves, etc.." We do not plan to destroy the dome of the rock, but instead move it to make way for a third temple. Zionism is fulfilling G-ds promise
1 up, 10mo
You're literally, insane. You're fulfilling your own wishes - in direct defiance of the exile imposed by the Almighty. The Messiah and the will of Almighty is what you should be waiting for. When that happens - there'll be a Third Temple. Until that time - it's just a Temple to Satan.
1 up, 10mo
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Yeah fr
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