People didn't have to panic to buy out products on shelves in stores during Covid-19, there was plenty of items. Trump took action and was trying to work with China in doing what he could in lessening deaths. He admitted there would obviously unfortunately be deaths. He addressed social distancing guidelines, provided K95 masks and letting the state Governors decide on what to do next, etc.
Now, it's more like the flu and it was mostly older people who were effected that sadly passed away, it's claimed as a Chinese lab virus which no one worried about until out of nowhere pretty much. APPROX. 1% of ALL deaths were DUE TO COVID-19, WITHOUT other causes in the US DESPITE CLAIMING to be 1,188,991; who knows actually. Cases have declined.
When Biden became president, he scared and panicked Americans by wanting us to be dependent on the government by manipulating Covid-19 and increasing the length of guidelines. Trump didn't do that.
Inflation is something Biden created which increased prices of goods that can be from other countries like China. etc.
It's NOT OK to have our borders open by letting in illegals by Biden come into our country by getting unemployment, sucking money from the government. Most come in illegal wanting to cause harm to hard working US citizens. I agree though others may do jobs US citizens don't want to do.
Most immigrants get away with harming police AND innocent Americans THEN get out of jail again soon after by Biden DEFUNDING the police, how AWFUL for any president to do this; NO EXCUSES.