First of all Politics_Too is a pussy stream that should be avoided by adults. The safe-space needing kids that infest this site need that place to regurgitate their TV sound bites. Now Politics started off with both but soon enough started catering to the plethora of pussy weaklings that don't want to hear anything but their bias repeated to confirm they are some kind of world saving virtue signallers. In that they also made that stream another Politics_Too as they started virtue signalling by getting people deleted and timed out for posting stuff. No matter what as long as they declare their feelings have been hurt the twat moderators with as much integrity as a politician, bend over backwards to appease their fragile egos and feel orgasmically good about themselves saving the world from racism and hate without the slightest realization for their own hate and racism. They are selective about their racism because anyone of color that tends conservative, finally brings out their racism but they are still to f**king stupid to recognize that themselves. My advice: stay on this stream.