1: By definition I've always been a furry. I've always loved anthro animals, growing up wrapped in Disney and cartoons was probably a large part of that. But I first made a fursona because I was being teased for being a furry. (I always wore cat-ear headbands, I've done it since I was little, I don't really know anything else) But making a fursona was almost an act of defiance. It felt like the start to my villain-arc, everyone called me crazy, so why not fit the bill? And at that point it just kind of stuck.
2: Looking back, it feels really nice. All the people who've been kind and supported me, while most people I knew in real-life were complete jerks. I genuinely love the friends I've made because of this fandom, and I've grown so much as a person because of the 'friends' who've left me because of it.
The one thing anyone and everyone should take away from this fandom it that it's a real rollercoaster ride. A wild, horrible, wonderful, and magnificent rollercoaster ride. Rollercoasters aren't for everyone. Some people are scared, others tease them for being scared. But if you're brave enough to climb on the rollercoaster, whether it be this fandom's, or coming out, or adopting a pet, or asking someone out on a date, you'll never regret it. You might have an awful time on the rollercoaster, and demand to get off, but more often than not, you'll get off the rollercoaster as a bigger and better person. Everyone should ride a rollercoaster at least once in their life. Life is far too short not to enjoy what you love, or to pester others about what, or who, they love. What I'm trying to say is, This fandom has taught me more about myself then anything else. And it can teach everybody something, if they're brave enough to give it a shot.