There have been all sorts of alts on this stream. I know I’m not the only one who has reported a ton of them.
Eventually, I started cataloging them because it was getting out of control: In the case of WN, he was up to two accounts per day, harassing not just PRESIDENTS stream but also LGBTQ, which I found especially disturbing. So I requested (and received) mod of that stream so I could help out with that problem.
And eventually I stopped cataloging them because it was too much to keep up with. However, the record of deleted accounts I collected stands as a testament to how big a problem it was here.
Did I jump the gun on labeling that particular Tommy account a troll alt? It’s possible — however, I didn’t do so until that account was deleted, which to me served as confirmation of my suspicions. Could have been a self-deletion as well. There were many Tommy’s which kept self-deleting or being nuked, and not all of them behaved quite like the original Tommy. I began to suspect he was being picked on and framed. I didn’t like that one bit since I was good friends with Tommy and co-modded several of his streams.
Similarly, there was a troll alt account awhile back called “IncognitoGuy.” which seems like it was a clever attempt to frame the real IncognitoGuy, who is still here. That account claimed Daltoids was his son. If Daltoids was also swept up in that troll’s framing efforts, which duped some here including me, then he was a casualty of the WN wars as well.
I remember wasting weekends of my life deposing these Nazi accounts to build a record that would support site mod-level action. To their credit, the site mods did act — eventually.
War is hell and isn’t pretty. It sullies everyone who participates. But the fight against Nazism is a just one. Every Brit and American here who knows their history knows this.
It’s our shared history, it can’t be erased and I won’t let it be erased.