I'm so sorry if this comment offends some.
People Say they 'Hate' anime. I think hate is a strong word. Maybe 'Dislike' or you could simply say 'It's not my favorite." I, In my opinion, Love anime, but it's not the only thing I watch. I love comedy and horror movies. Not that you do this, but some people think that people who watch anime are weebs. When a non-weeb calls someone a web, it can be hurtful. (But when A weeb says it to a weeb, its oki) . I think you shouldnt discriminate against people who like anime. We are all people who suck, no need to make other people feel even worse. Now, Anime police are just 'doing their job' They are here to defend us anime streams. and what you guys call 'Spys' are just people who stumble across this (or someone else's page) and find their 'Anti-anime-ness' mean.
(Again, I'm sorry if this is offensive.)