“Think about it, just because it talking about upvotes (like giving out upvotes or upvote beggar memes) and it has a lot of upvotes, it doesn't mean it's upvote begging,”
Oh my gosh you are like the 740,000th person I have had to explain this to, and it’s honestly getting exhausting. How about, instead of assuming what I have to say about the meme, you ask me how it’s upvote begging first, and then we can go from there? At least the OP had this integrity. I was just getting around to answering him.
“unless it has a "upvote if you agree" tag or something similar in it.”
“Upvote if you agree” is not the only form of upvote begging. Other forms include:
- complaining about upvotes (when my meme gets 2 upvotes)
- idolizing upvotes (uPvOtInG gIvEs YoU pOiNtS)