“Charon? Charrrooonnn…” a voice said, slowly dragging me out of sleep. “Hey, don’t you know what today is?” they said, shaking my shoulder a bit. I rolled over, “Hrmm…?” I said, reaching over and grabbing my glasses. “Aliza? That’s you right?” I yawned. “What’s up?”
She laughed and grabbed me into a hug. “Happy birthday!” she said, holding out a plate to me. It had a small cake with a candle in it, making me sit up. “Woah, hey, it’s today?!” I said, looking at it.
She laughed, “How is it that you do this to me on my birthday every year, but every time I do it, you don’t know what day it is?”
I shrug, “I don’t know, I guess your birthday is the only day I remember.” I said, taking the plate, and blowing out the candle. And biting into the cake. “Mm, this is good!” I say, wiping some crumbs of my face.
Aliza smiled, “Aw, thanks. I’m learning how to bake in Sycheth, that’s the first one I made on my own.” I take another bite. “You made this?! It’s way too good!” I say, while she laughs, “Thanks Char.”