Nice theory, but totally false.
The fact remains that there have also been LOTS of people who have been killed by the police while peacefully cooperating with orders. One of them was stupid enough to tell the copy he had a carry permit, so of course the cop freaked and shot him. (Remember you are under no obligation to state this up front; the theory is they'll be rational, but many are not.) A few are held accountable, but I think most of them still walk with no consequences.
There are lots of cops who if they either slip or go beserk and shoot you, will then totally lie to cover their @$$es (rather than risk losing their jobs). Watch the video of the Seattle cop telling some kid if he doesn't nail him, he'll just make shit up (and be believed by a judge and jury). And the blue wall of silence covers a lot.
Didn't matter that people have been unarmed, that they kept their hands up, that they were telling the cop what they were about to do like reach for their insurance in the glove box as ordered, doesn't matter, they've gotten shot anyway. Sometimes cops have even planted evidence to cover their tails. A cop friend of mine told me all kinds of stories about his buddies committing perjury and falsely claiming somebody rushed them. It is a fact; it does happen.
I go out of my way to be nice to them and remember they are people with often hard jobs and lives. But I also personally know a sheriff's office that committed electoral fraud. I know that many cops are now being trained by Israeli firms that teach them that you and I are not citizens of a republic but the enemy to be blasted in on with a SWAT team and the presumption of guilt.
I have the advantage of living in an area LEO's are more likely to be oathkeepers than rogues, but I also know they snowjob internal "investigations" rather than admit they've got multiple homiciders still on their force.
I completely agree about not doing the crime. Completely agree.
But never kid yourself that that is an absolute guarantee you will be safe. It is not.