Dude, a single spelling error isn't going to offend the Creator, so pipe down with that fake holier than thou shit.
And the Vulgate is written in a pagan language by pagans that corrupted the true Christianity.
You do know that the Church was infiltrated by Constantine and that the Roman Catholic Church is just the pagan Roman Empire right?
The Vulgate and the King James versions are mistranslated in several parts and words.
The Bible NEVER said that the Earth was flat. YOU DID. By misinterpreting the Hebrew.
For instance, in the Vulgate and the KJV, it says "four corners" of the Earth. The word that was mistranslated into corners was kanaph, or wings. The four wings of the Earth.
MEANING, that the Earth is a flying ball in space.
The firmament was said to be glass because of how it looked to man on Earth. Not because the Creator directly said it to someone.
And another thing, the Council of Nicea broke the commandment that John gave of not taking away from or adding to the Bible.
The Book of Enoch is TRUE Canon and is removed. And guess what? It describes space fairly well for what an antediluvian person would be able to understand. It describes a black hole for instance.
And one more thing. JESUS ISN'T BLACK OR WHITE! He's freaking Hebrew! And real Hebrew, not mixed with either African OR European blood.
And you know that just because science SAYS that we all came from Africa doesn't make it true right? Right? You can grasp that the people in power in sciences are still flawed sinners right? I mean, look at evolution's acceptance without proof.
People like you are too gullible. You saw some FE vids on youtube and bought that shit hook, line, and sinker.
The UN is pushing the FE and Madella theories to demonize Abrahamic Monotheism and to make anyone who believes in the one true Creator look crazy.
And you're helping them.
That GIF you posted is a light reflection on water. NOT VENUS shimmering through a watery firmament.
The Creator is INFINITE and you think he limited us, Its greatest creation to one chunk of rock but we can imagine other planets? SMH.
Space is not water. Earth is not flat. Nasa went to the moon. I'm sorry.
And until you can give photographic evidence to say otherwise, SHUT THE F**K UP about flat earth. :{