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urmomBprego69 (1476)
Joined 2020-10-21
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The LGBTQ+ can be Idiots too in fun
0 ups, 3y
trump is the least racist president we have ever had.

“I mean you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate, bright and clean.” – Joe Biden on Barack Obama in 2008

“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” – Joe Biden in 2019

I can go on and on. Find me some racist or homophobic quotes from trump.

Trump has raised employment for the black community
He has an avid homosexual as the ambassador to Germany
He has created peace in the middle east and was nominated for the Nobel peace prize 3 times in a single year.

So yeah, I think he's not a racist.
The LGBTQ+ can be Idiots too in fun
0 ups, 3y
At the trump protest, my father was actually there. Ive also seen blm and LGBT riots, and the cops do nothing, the rioters destroy, and the media covers for them. If your family members dislike your attractions, it's probably for a good reason, as they have more experience in life. Think whatever you want, but dont act like a victim, because you arent one.
The LGBTQ+ can be Idiots too in fun
0 ups, 3y
How are you being brave? its not like anyone is gonna beat you up or somthing. But if a straight, normal person says a homophobic thing in front of a homo, the homo will have lisence to hit them. ive seen this firsthand. YOU ARENT BRAVE IF YOU SAY A LEFTIST THING ON THE INTERNET!
XD so true in fun
0 ups, 3y
ment to put this in polotics sry