He was surrounded by rioters...
Also turning right on red means that traffic is in procession perpendicular to you, pedestrians will not be crossing a road that has a green light both ways...
If he did what you keep claiming that he did, he could've very easily plowed right through that crowd of people. But that's not what happened in the video is it...
No, clearly not.
"Because, I said so. NOT because of any fact based data.." I'm sure that you would become animated if someone showed or handed you an ar15. I'm sure you've had no actual exposure to firearms or the NRA. I grew up around firearms, lots of them! Never once had a problem.
He didn't drive into anyone, the proof resides in the City's records.... Nobody went to the hospital. Sorry bud, but just because a car turns right on red and there happens to be a mass of rioters in the way of travel of it, there is no excuse for condemning the driver of ANY wrongdoing.