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thenewnoob (2504)
Joined 2018-07-28
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Is This A Pigeon in politics
1 up, 6y
We shouldn't care it feminism because it's not any more it's just sexism against males
Felons are not Smart enough to Vote. in politics
0 ups, 6y
The reon why there still in prison is because we don't teach them how to function normally in society and the book we give them incourage them to commit more crimes and the reson why is because the prisions are making money off there prisioners and we do everything they can to get them back in
In honor of "President Trump Can Do No Wrong!" week, 11-6-18 to 11-11-18 in politics
1 up, 6y
Not the worst though but close oh and by the way the economy not going up because of Trump this has been predicted before Obama became president