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tchien69 (1992)
Joined 2017-11-04
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“Fiance” not “Fiancé” in ENGLISH! in fun
0 ups, 12mo
Just for the record, there is *still* no “é” nor *any* accented letters in *English* alphabet, so with all due respect (i.e. not much anymore), Merriam Webster and any other *English* dictionaries that list words with accented letters (and all the *English* spell checkers that flag “fiance” or any other word simply cuz of lack of accent mark) are WRONG!

And speaking of, in *English*, “fiance” should be pronounced FEE-ANS *not* FEE-ANH-SAY!? If ppl want *English* speakers to pronounce it FEE-ANH-SAY when speaking *English*, then spell it, again, in *English*, as, well, “feeanhsay”!? 🤔🙄🤦🏻‍♂️
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds-Kirk, Spock & Chaplain in fun
0 ups, 1y
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds-Kirk, Spock & Chaplain in fun
0 ups, 1y
Maybe Spock should direct his “anger” at the chaplain??? 🤔😜
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds-Kirk, Spock & Chaplain in fun
0 ups, 1y
Not quite. Fixed spelling and punctuation in caption and removed spoiler in title.

Btw, htf does someone with “ 9863 Featured Images, 37000 Creations, 29131 Comments” and “288 Followers” have time to comment on no less than 2 of my comments in < 24 hours when I bet vast majority of memes here (incl. and esp. mine) get 0 - from *anyone*?! Not sure if I should be honored (or concerned (that I have an ImgFlip stalker)). 🤔😁
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds-Kirk, Spock & Chapel in fun
0 ups, 1y
Maybe Spock should direct his “anger” at the Chaplin??? 🤔😜