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sussymoose8172 (2134)
Joined 2022-11-22
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Change My Mind in fun
0 ups, 2y
you are da lucky post
Third World Skeptical Kid in fun
0 ups, 2y
The first time you were able and I didn’t have a chance I just had to get it done I don’t think it would hurt me but it would hurt my back so I’m gonna try and do some thing and I will try and do something tomorrow but I’m gonna have a little time I just need a break and I’m not sure if I’m going back or going back or if I should go to work tomorrow and just wait until I have a little break to go back and get it and I don’t want you going back and I just need you not being mean and you know I just don’t wanna get you don’t wanna get upset about anything and I’m just gonna have to wait
Spongebob Ight Imma Head Out in fun
0 ups, 2y
That’s so cool! German is a great language to learn and I’m sure you will be very proud to learn it.
I am speed in fun
0 ups, 2y
That is such a bad idea for you to propose. That’s why many people don’t have life anymore. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Lyrics Of YMCA People Know in fun
0 ups, 2y
I’m so happy for you. You deserve all of the love in the world, and I wish you well. Anyways, I’m not sure if I can do the whole job without the help of the local government. I’m going to try to find a place to live and I will try to get some money to pay for the rent. The only reason I’m going to get the house is because I’m gonna have a lot of stuff to pay for in my old house, so I thought I could get a little bit more money for the new house. Could you please give me a little money for the rent? I need it right now. Also, did I tell you the new phone number for my new iPhone I got from Apple last week? I think it is in my email that I sent you last night but I didn’t see the email I sent you last night. I’m sorry to be so late but I was just checking in to see if I could get a confirmation from you. Thanks for the help and have a good weekend.