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srcmaker (37024)
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4B is totally not a cult in politics
0 ups, 4mo
Oh good, someone used the dictionary on a meme... Found the Central Figure btw, it's the so called "Demon Cat" of Washington DC:
4B is totally not a cult in politics
3 ups, 4mo
Perhaps MAGA Guys pictured there are in a cult. I have no idea...


Still doesn't invalidate that 4B Movement people absolutely are display cult like behavior including the look.
It's Time to Let NYC Die on the Vine for Trying to Destroy Our Republic in fun
0 ups, 10mo
Your right, a far-left city based Jury (see above I was born and raise in that S-hole of a City, thank God I pulled myself up and left), deciding on a criminal case brought against a former president, major party front-runner and presumptive nominee; a case based on artificially inflated (arbitrarily raised misdemeanors) felony charges, does not go against 246 years of political decorum of our nation, potentially causing the already fractured citizenry to schism even further, to levels not seen since the mid-1800's, isn't "destroying our republic"... Also:
It's Time to Let NYC Die on the Vine for Trying to Destroy Our Republic in fun
1 up, 10mo
Believe it or not NYC baby! Left the City a while ago, it's a S-Hole...
National Raygun Association in fun
0 ups, 1y
Membership opened to both Federation and Non-Federation humanoids!