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super_man (195633)
Joined 2024-04-09
Previous username: smart_personisdatingRadium
Hypersonic rocket enthusiast.🩵Weezer🩵 Radium belongs to me, not Scott.
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Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
0 ups, <1h
i was laughing until i realized, that's a dead cat in the photo.
i'll kiss the forehead for good boys who pay their taxes in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 6h
Batman doesn't pay taxes. Why should I?
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
1 up, 7h
Nice tits
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
4 ups, 7h
you get it randomly when you're a child. once you're like 10, you get it around girls.