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shrek_is_memegod69 (42595)
Joined 2020-09-17
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Drew magic man by request. (I apologize for the two week delay as I was off track and had no motivation.) in Drawings
0 ups, 1y
Incorrect you don't decide if people go to Heaven or Hell only Jesus decides and no you literally can't be both you can say you are both but that doesn't mean you are both also Yeah you can do whatever you want because God gave us free will
Drew magic man by request. (I apologize for the two week delay as I was off track and had no motivation.) in Drawings
0 ups, 1y
Not in Gods eye but you love your sin so of course its going to be perfect for you
Drew magic man by request. (I apologize for the two week delay as I was off track and had no motivation.) in Drawings
0 ups, 1y
Ok just remember you arent Christian/Catholic/Orthodox/Protestant/ any other branch if you live in sin purposely and haven't given your life to God
Drew magic man by request. (I apologize for the two week delay as I was off track and had no motivation.) in Drawings
0 ups, 1y
No you arent going to debate me because you know your wrong and have no information at all
Drew magic man by request. (I apologize for the two week delay as I was off track and had no motivation.) in Drawings
0 ups, 1y
1 Corinthians 6:18 1 Corinthians 6:9 1 Corinthians 10:8 Leviticus 18:22 1 Corinthians 6:13 Revelation 21:8