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sayers1917 (26809)
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Fallout: The Globalist in conservatives
0 ups, 1mo
You ever notice that the Pseudo-scientists in Fallout are always acting like they are God's and most of them actually make the wasteland worse.

Also I always felt that the original games was about rebuilding a Constitutional, Capitalist Republic.

Think about it the entire wasteland could have went full Communist leading to total Anarchy which most John Brown styled Middle Parties want Anarchy and they play both sides to create strife and promise their voters things that are already available.

But instead people of the wasteland in Fallout created cities and a barter system.

It's about preserving Capitalism at the end of the day not destroying it like most Libtards or Middle Partiers would try and have everyone believe.

Capitalism works not Communism and Anarchy.

Now most Leftists are unaware of it but Communism is Predatory Capitalism therefore not true Capitalism.

Anarchy that the Fifth Columnists, John Brown Middle Parties discreetly promote which is just complete disregard for human life and property that isn't theirs which in Fallout Raiders are the Middle Partiers.

True Capitalism allows workers to become their own bosses and own means of production if they want to.

Communism doesn't want you to own anything therefore you have less. Communism basically uses controlled anarchy where they promise people things and in return they must do what they are told such as looting, burning down cities and reporting friends and family which Mao Zedong did when he created the Red Guard during the 1960's. This is basically keeping people on a leash and subsidizing them with gifts for the doing evil things.

Proper Capitalism is the way let's not get it confused with Predatory Capitalism which the Left practices and promotes heavily and accuses the Right of doing.

The Left never takes responsibility for their own shit as most Communist do. The Communist Manifesto clearly states to blame your opponent for what you do wrong to gain the minds of the people.

In Fallout 3 it's clearly stated that China shot off the bombs after they took over Anchorage.
The Longest Yard in fun
0 ups, 1mo
That's fine if you feel that way I prefer the original.
Fallout: The Globalist in conservatives
0 ups, 1mo
Exactly, China was the aggressor they started it..... gee I wonder who could have let them slip by our countries surveillance..... most likely Democrats. Fallout game series is actually Pro-American to the max. To hell with the stupid TV show and to hell with the Libtards that twist everything in their favor.
0 ups, 2mo
You're welcome. I have seen the 1998 and 2009 versions wasn't all that impressed. The 1974 film is the closest to the novel. Plus people don't realize that the story was written during a time when New York was in urban collapse and the city started to become more liberal and more crime ridden.

We as a country had no idea how to deal with foreign and domestic terrorism. Therefore the 1974 film is ten times more scarier in my opinion.
Good Morning Palestine in Real_Politics
0 ups, 2mo
You don't like too it too bad. The real clown is the one accusing me of being a clown. At least I don't have multicolored hair and dress up in whacky clothing like a villain from Gotham City and burn down cities and spread AIDS everywhere. Look who's talking 😆😎🥃