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rinkaegl (166)
Joined 2016-05-10
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Canada, when you've had enough... in fun
0 ups, 9y
Hey there, Independent Thinker, threatening to move to Canada if your candidate loses the American Election? Let Canadian Dreams help! We here at C.D., your concierage relocation specialists, will handle all your emigration to the Great White North needs. That's right, we'll assist with all required Canadian government paperwork, help you secure housing and employment, sign you up for French lessons, and best of all - you can get our deluxe full package for half price! That's right, as a bonus, we will find and pair you with someone of exactly opposite your political beliefs! If their candidate loses, they go North, and you stay here, but if yours loses, you board the Canada bound bus.* And you split the cost, so each of you is getting a half price deal! Either you're getting our great package deal relocation service for half of our usual value price, or you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you're helping ship out one of those ignorant opposition types. A Win - Win for both of you! Sign up today!

*Acceptance by Canada not guaranteed or included.