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raulpr777 (5054)
Joined 2022-02-12
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Romanian language be like in fun
0 ups, 2y
I embarrassed myself by writing copies = copii with one "i" (copie is the singular of copii). Let me see if I can still edit the image :)
True in fun
1 up, 3y
Bruh, I feel that this is especially true for US. In Romania, I could go to nearby stores or just leave or enter the school perimeter without problems during breaks. In USA, I went with a friend to his car during lunch break, because he had his sandwich in his car. When we came back we were searched for drugs and put on detention .We explained everything to the guards and he had his sandwich in his hand. A somewhat interesting experience but what the fook.
November in fun
0 ups, 3y
I also uploaded definitions from the Devil's Dictionary. Good to see that I am not the only one doing Ambrose Bierce quotes.
International Elites on Immigration in fun
0 ups, 3y
I used a quote from the poem Die Lösung (The Solution) by Bertolt Brecht.
Spider Man Double in fun
0 ups, 3y
2 sides of the same scam