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pocalyps4000 (2933)
Joined 2024-10-08
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bruh in fun
0 ups, 3mo
ahh~ 😩
that shit BWOASIN
This has to be the most overused punchline of all time, but hey, it's my meme! in fun
0 ups, 3mo
1996? Holy shit! I didn't think that porn on the internet didn't exist until 1997
Philosoraptor in fun
1 up, 3mo
1. Do not talk about /b/
2. Do NOT talk about /b/
3. We are Anonymous
4. Anonymous is legion
5. Anonymous never forgives
6. Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster
7. Anonymous is still able to deliver
8. There are no real rules about posting
9. There are no real rules about moderation either – enjoy your ban
10. If you enjoy any rival sites – DON’T
11. All your carefully picked arguments can easily be ignored
12. Anything you say can and will be used against you
13. Anything you say can be turned into something else – fixed
14. Do not argue with trolls – it means that they win
15. The harder you try the harder you will fail
16. If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure
17. Every win fails eventually
18. Everything that can be labeled can be hated
19. The more you hate it the stronger it gets
20. Nothing is to be taken seriously
21. Original content is original only for a few seconds before getting old
22. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality
23. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality
24. Every repost it always a repost of a repost
25. Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post
26. Any topic can easily be turned into something totally unrelated
27. Always question a person’s sexual prefrences without any real reason
28. Always question a person’s gender – just incase it’s really a man
29. In the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents
30. There are no girls on the internet
31. T*TS or GTFO – the choice is yours
32. You must have pictures to prove your statements
33. Lurk more – it’s never enough