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phoenixAZ (3440)
Joined 2019-09-07
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Trump in politics
0 ups, 4w
The only one looking like a “tard” is you. It is a joke, calm down.
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 4y
The polls spoke, get over yourself and stop trying to delegitimize the democratic system, your guy lost. Your white supremacy dreams are over so time to start realizing we are one race, human. I voted for him and I am pretty sure the manual counts were not pirated as you claim. If their was piracy and fraud, please bring forward the proof and not just stories from Fox News. You probably know nothing about statics so I wouldn’t talk about them when you are whining about fraud. Keep listing to the loony right and drinking their cool aid. At some point you and the other sheep will wake up and realize you have been scammed. The democrats are just as horrible as the republicans but at least I don’t have to put up with the speeches written by a 5 year old or the labeling of white supremacist as “fine people”, nor do I have to listen to a draft dodger criticizing people for exercising a constitutional right, which I fought to protect. I think your wrong, people are fed up with this overgrown Oompa Loompa. How is the snowflake now?
Trump in politics
0 ups, 4y