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personthatmeme (31587)
Joined 2021-09-10
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The Truth About The Modern World in fun
1 up, 9mo
ok i'm sorry but "hate" i mean that not what i meant i just wanted to give you a reason for the hate you get and i know there is hate out there but this isn't hate. its reason and btw writing "i'm not a creep" in your bio makes makes it even worse. and as for the mascots we have known these Disney characters for years cuz they are classics which makes us feel nostalgia which makes us feel safe around them (this is a flaw in the survival instincts in the brain and predators in the wild take advantage of this by using mimicry) and the environment of the park adds to this and there have been murders done like this. so pls when someone tells you something know the difference between hate and a logical arrangement based on reason (what i will say was that the bio stuff was a little out of point but i hope you understand my issues with it).
The Truth About The Modern World in fun
2 ups, 9mo
ok to be clear i do not want to start an argument but the mascots from Disneyworld/Disneyland are highered and i don't control how my brain reacts to stuff due to how our minds function and if i have to force my brain to like you guys that ain't a good sing. At least if it is a hobby/ comfort zone don't shove it into everyone's face and expect a none negative reaction an example would be this meme had nothing to do with furries, you shoved it into the conversation and if i may make a suggestion DON'T PUT IT IN YOUR BIO thats like asking to be bullied which is the reason mine just has idk. again sorry for the essay anyone how is reading this and for god sake just don't response with (you lack the brain cells to understand us furries because i foolishly still believe in humanity and if you have constructive criticism about my comment say it pls do) have a great rest of your day
The Truth About The Modern World in fun
4 ups, 10mo
ok now this is just my opinion but this is why i hate furries, they creep me out the big eyes and the saturated colors are nice yes but then my brain is like there is a complete stranger in there it sets off this alarm in my brain that its not safe so basically on one hand you have a goofy funny animal costume and on the other a person that all you know is a fan of animals which mind you isn't wrong but the fact that he/she could have committed war crimes(this is an exaggeration but you get my point) and my final point is that there are so many other ways to show appropriation to animals. thanks for reading this long ass essay but ehh what can you do