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perfectlyflawed (60)
Joined 2019-09-24
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Helen and her beloved kitty cat in fun
0 ups, 6y
Kim Kardashian apparently wants the narcissists to get those rape charges pressed on her son thinking I'm blind as a bat and the cheating bullying abuse that she said I needed to rebuild my life from that she didn't care to hear about anymore is exactly why I'm letting everyone know the truth because I'm not tone deaf, blindfolded or muted silent treatment and misogynistic intentional abuse doesn't have a getaway driver here.
Give us more examples of "Useless" in the comments! (meme it) in fun
0 ups, 6y
Useful information is the only useless thing I've seen lately
Now I am hungry for chicken in fun
0 ups, 6y
The womb service is just an abortion clinic vacuum cleaner
Oh the Future... in fun
0 ups, 6y
#CountryGrammar #Nelly #MurphyLee
Oh the Future... in fun
0 ups, 6y
Lol #SpellCheck #PeriodPointTheEnd #IndexFinger #ItsRude
SEMICOLON, parenthesis, backslash, comma, apostrophe, ellipsis, asterisk, exclamation etc.... #GrammarNazis #AuschwitzBirkenau