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notgreat (901)
Joined 2016-07-22
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Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 5y
Spoken like a true ignorant Republican. Keep laughing as the fate of your grandkids will be a horrible death in a very hot world. Similar to the ignorant science denier in the White House. You both deny the science in favor of the Koch Bros making $billions & emitting billions of tons of CO2. It's actually tonnes but you'd have no idea what that is, it's a metric tonne, larger than a ton. More than likely you don't understand climate change science. Don't get the science, do a search on Polar Bears & see how they're doing or a search on coral reefs. It's not fake news. The rest of the world is following the UN Climate Conference recommendations & are moving forward to cutting CO2 emissions to zero in the next 10 years. The Liar-in-chief does not accept the UN report or the report from his own departments. He wants the big money from the fossil fuel industry for his ill-fated re-election attempt in 2020 & so do the Republican senators & congressmen/women. Hopefully, he'll be impeached by then. Oh yes, and his puppet master, Putin has a lot of oil to sell, & he's also ignoring the UN. As Putin told Trump, "Tell them it's fake news." Trump replied, "Yes, Boss'. There are 2 kinds of ignorant. #1. You don' know & #2. You won't know. You & that narcissistic megalomaniacal illegitimate president occupying the White House both, WON'T KNOW. Have a look to see what Koch Bros & other fossil fuel interests are doing for climate change denial
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 5y
Not for long, he has let man emit too much CO2. The planet is heating up. By about 2100+/- the planet will be uninhabitable for life. The chaos will get started in 2050 when billions of people will start to starve, many countries running out of water (California is running out of water now) & the oceans will begin to die. Some of the billions of tons of CO2 emitted annual dissolves in the oceans and they become more acidic. The oceans' pH has dropped 0.1%, which doesn't seem like much. Since the pH scale is a logarithmic scale this represents about a 25% drop. The coral reefs are dieing and will be gone by 2035. Learn about acidification here. . Man and his greed will be the end of the species Homo sapiens. Your grandkids and great-grandkids will desecrate your grave for what you've done. As mine will do to my grave.
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 5y
Oh yes, I've read a lot of it.
"Atheism is what happens when you read the bible."
"Christianity is what happens when somebody else reads it for you." Robert G. Ingersoll

Interesting, that in 10 Commandments,#6 'Thou shall not kill'. Killing by stoning is the penalty for breaking # 7 'Thou shall not commit adultery' from Leviticus 20:10 is death by stoning. Some of the other Commandments have death as a penalty. In Exodus 24:12 Moses gets the 10 Commandments. Exodus 32:28 the children of Levi kill 3,000 men who were not on god's side. What does #6 mean? Has me baffled. If taken literally Commandment #6 does not apply. Or is this what we do: "Look at the context and the subject matter and see if it is being used as an analogy or as hyperbole or as an extreme exaggeration..." I had better stop! Oh, one more I'm on a roll: The Bible: A poorly written, self-contradictory, slavery, rape & stoning manual! via @Yfyfgccrdessef
Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 5y
Went looking and now I understand your comment You're a RWNJ.You don't like any bad comments about the despicable McConnell. Are you on Twitter?
Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 5y
No I'm actually a very happy person and have been for years. Why do you think I'm unhappy?