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mrwilly (87617)
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Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 6mo
This is the one that told fb and twitter to censor conservative posts. He is the Biden admin tech liason
rod serling twilight zone in politics
1 up, 6mo
But what there is more !!!!!
rod serling twilight zone in politics
2 ups, 6mo
Even the Muslims are not that stupid to remove their testes and kill their children
rod serling twilight zone in politics
0 ups, 7mo
Here is an idea, make sure pregnancy does not happen. There is even a morning after pill. If you don't have sense enough to know what causes pregnancy, you certainly don't need to make a decision on human life.
rod serling twilight zone in politics
0 ups, 7mo
That is a demorat talking point. All incest, rape and at health risk abortions are less than 3% of all abortions. Trump has said many times he will protect those rights of women that could die from child birth or have been raped. Almost all abortions are a lifestyle choice. Funny how demoncrats want the black community to abort their children. 85% of all abortions are done on 13% of the population, black communities. Will the real racist please stand (cue the DNC )