Legit memes from 2018-2023 were eye candy and there's no disagreeing with me. In 2018 we had the rise of Gacha Life on YouTube, everyone was hopping on that dumpster fire of a bandwagon making overused and repetitive GLMMs like "My Alpha Boyfriend is ACTUALLY MY COUSIN?!?!??!?!?" or something along the lines of that, thank GOD people have sense these days. Not only that but gachatubers were experimenting with more cancerous ideologies until they made a horrendous discovery - combining a dead piece of social media and a game with a toxic fanbase. Yes, you heard me, GACHA LIFE VINES. AUDIO STOLEN FROM ORIGINAL VINES and synced with LITERAL CHIBI CHARACTERS. 2019-Mid 2020 was when things went downhill - gacha cringe was EVERYWHERE. 2021, of course, devious licking -- at least 2022 was a tad bit decent. But 2023 alone was just eye candy in meme terms, no memes were funny except for "Bro He sleep", "That One Guy", and that's IT. If everyone just stuck to deep fried memes and actually funny and edgy memes then we wouldn't have this garbage.