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lone_dad92 (12400)
Joined 2019-12-22
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What a POS! in politics
4 ups, 4y
Whatever happened to that Chi-Com spy that got busted who she had on her payroll for 20 years?
Odd how that story just seems to have evaporated.
Someone so ignorant, just by walking into the room she can make the crowds collective IQ spontaneously plummet in politics
0 ups, 4y
Aww, are you get offended for being shown as the idiotic asshat you are?
Good thing your kind have safe spaces and cry closets to go lay down in and lick your chapped ovaries, huh? lol
Someone so ignorant, just by walking into the room she can make the crowds collective IQ spontaneously plummet in politics
0 ups, 4y
Another simple minded doofus defending the idiot. Also known as Birds of a feather syndrome.
Someone so ignorant, just by walking into the room she can make the crowds collective IQ spontaneously plummet in politics
1 up, 4y
Well, y'know what they say too about morons defending idiots...They're birds of a feather who flock together.
Another reason the Left is synonymous with the term, 'mental disorder' in politics
1 up, 4y
That's why this Party system is a load of bullshit. You think this is really a 2 Party system? It's no more of a 2 Party system than ours is a government of the people, by the people and for the people anymore. George Washington knew the threats a Party system posed to the people's government and every threat he prognosticated about in his 38 page hand written farewell address we're seeing happen today. Over 200 years later. Not bad for an old white guy so many intellectual imbeciles today try to marginalize as irrelevant to the times we live in now.