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kicksit1980 (45337)
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But that's none of my business... in fun
0 ups, 2y
Wayne requested 3-A deferment and then his studio got him a long term one. And when people gave him guff about it after the war he went full on zealot for McCarthyism and hardcore supported HUAC the group that got hundreds of his fellow film makers blackballed, sometimes on flimsy evidence, ruining their careers and lives to make himself look patriotic.

And some of them had NOTHING to do with Communism.

I like Wayne's movies, but he PLAYED soldier in movies and got deferment while many of his fellow stars did their duty. And he doesn't get a pass on that just because he blustered about patriotism later and made some war films. He screwed people over in the name of "Patriotism" while being a draft dodger.
WAY TO GO, AMERICA in politics
2 ups, 6y
And by the way, you just proved the point of the meme. Good job, you made a liberal's point for him.
WAY TO GO, AMERICA in politics
2 ups, 6y
They are Americans, and three of the four were born in America. How do you tell three people to "go back to the countries you came from" if they are FROM AMERICA?

And I find it ironic that all the people saying "if you don't like it leave" are also saying "Go fix your own broken country. So which is it? If you don't like the way things are going in your country you should leave, or if you don't like things you should try and fix them? Because those women are AMERICANS who don't like something and are trying to do what they view as FIXING the situation. Whether they're right or not, whether you agree with their stances or not, they are doing EXACTLY what he told them to do already. try and fix their own country. He just didn't seem to understand that their country was AMERICA. And you have to wonder why.

And speaking of "If you don't like it, then leave."

Donald Trump did nothing but whine about America being messed up his whole campaign and into his term, and no one ever stops to think that the guy saying "if you don't like it, then leave" complains more than any of the people he's saying that to. Hypocrisy at its finest.

He told American citizens of color, three of whom were actually BORN IN AMERICA, to go back to the countries they came from. There is a basic understood racism to saying "Go back where you came from" to Americans of color. If you don't think that's true, then walk up to any given black guy on the street and tell them to "Go back where you came from" and see how fast you get your butt handed to you.
WAY TO GO, AMERICA in politics
2 ups, 6y
Our president recently told four congresswomen of color to "go back to the failed countries" they came from. Three were born in America and one legally earned her citizenship as a teenager. Basically the same sentiment. I just shortened it to the more recognizable phrase for brevity.