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kdsteinh (2103)
Joined 2019-01-26
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Untitled Image in fun
1 up, 6y
I just wanted to type out a reflection for everyone that is reading this. My previous comment was written in the heat of the moment and after having time to cool down, I regret posting it. I'm sorry to Boma that I typed out the comment which was me expressing frustration and raw emotions.

I think often times on the internet, people are willing to hide behind anonymity to call out and speak harshly to others. Everyone needs to keep in mind that there is a very real person behind each avatar and no matter what anyone says, there's not really any justification to swing back at another person.

This comment chain has made me more introspective of who I am and what I post online. Please don't harass anyone online or go out looking to start fights.

I'll keep up the comment in which I believe I was too harsh for two reasons. One is to remind myself of why to cool down before I respond and the other is because although the comment is much harsher than it should've been, I still agree with the points I made in it.

All in all, I'm sorry to Boma and let this be a lesson to not get wrapped up in harsh comments and to make sure that to use etiquette before you comment online.

Untitled Image in fun
1 up, 6y
I love how you argue that you aren't high roading me but you can't refrain from high roading me again. I love it when people paint broad strokes with absolutes. Believe it or not, most things are not absolutely right or wrong. I know, shocking, isn't it? It's almost as if opinions are not facts. Also, this might blow your mind, but have you ever considered that I am just as critical and tired of the government as you are? Stop trying to paint yourself as a moral, self-righteous hero of all.

For God's sake, this a meme. I am poking fun at a political figure that I believe deserves criticism. It's fine if you don't agree, but get off of your high horse.
Untitled Image in fun
2 ups, 6y
Besides the bits that seem like you are high roading me, I do have to say that everyone is welcome to their own opinion and I agree with some things that you mentioned, especially that this post might have worked better in political, but I knew it would create a bigger splash here. All together, thank you for the attention and your criticism. Peace, peace.
Untitled Image in fun
3 ups, 6y
Here's a little rebuttal:
1. I was making a joke about socialism and the image of AOC could easily be replaced with Bernie Sanders. The post is an exaggeration and is satiric of socialist views.
2. She believes that fossil fuels can be eliminated completely within a decade which is ridiculous because of the sheer magnitude of products now that are made with or use fossil fuels and the inconveniences it would cause millions of people in their day to day lives, including those who are not able to afford green products (which ironically, is those that she is trying to help).
3. I'll admit that I was taking a cheap shot at AOC and was really just farming for upvotes and attention. The fact that you responded so vehemently only increased the exposure of this post, so thank you.
4. I have no problem with strong women and you suggesting that either I do or I am stupid shows how willing you are to paint the world as black and white. Just because I politically disagree with someone doesn't mean anything about what I think of their character or their identity. It could've been sweater-wearing, kind, old Jimmy Carter making those statements and I would still criticize him as I believe such statements deserve criticism.

Anyway, have a lovely day and thanks for the feedback. :)