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jpnorton (35139)
Joined 2020-07-03
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Spaghetti in fun
1 up, 3w
Feel free to download it and share it yourself. Frankly it doesn't matter to me if it's more promoted. I was making memes for years and not even sharing them on here.
Spaghetti in fun
1 up, 3w
Yeah, no thanks. What i found says the group is racist and homophobic. Not my deal.
Spaghetti in fun
1 up, 3w
Ah, okay. Well I don't even know what msmg is. I'm older, I have only a small social presence, so while I'm a whiz with using computers, having been playing with them since '74, I don't need to keep up as much as I used to.
Spaghetti in fun
1 up, 3w
Not sure what you mean.
Dear Santa in fun
3 ups, 3mo
It's a tie fighter from Star Wars.