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house-mouse (4501)
Joined 2021-12-05
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Untitled Image in politics
2 ups, 3y
Ah so its as said this is a left ban board. I'm mostly on 9gag thats were i heard of this place Shame a great way to kill a site is to be woke
Untitled Image in politics
2 ups, 3y
True, so whats up with the censorship here? This place has a bad rap and i had a simple meme that contained facts that can be checked taken down with a tos warning , Truth ist verbotten?
Untitled Image in politics
2 ups, 3y
Truth be told it never began, this killed those with one foot in the grave, whether old obese, unhealthy.
While the flu kills all ages and the healthy. I'm in a red state we did nothing different we got up went to work came home t our families and lived our lives.
And who is trying end Democracy? in politics
3 ups, 3y
Well we are heading to revolution, wonder why the left want the guns?
you in politics