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haziq_supermemer7 (15250)
Joined 2021-04-05
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i cried making this lol in History_Memes
0 ups, 2y
There were a lot of men who celebrated the last one as well
Untitled Image in MEMES_OVERLOAD
3 ups, 3y
I just saw myself and if thats was what you wanted then thank you
History Thieves in History_Memes
1 up, 3y
That burnt more than the hot tea they drink
Innocent...Sure... in History_Memes
0 ups, 3y
Fair enough but people like to exaggerate when making political comments.
It was funny af in Middle-School
0 ups, 3y
Yo chill I'm tryna help. Some people are that stupid and it's good Ur not. I guess keep doing it until people realize Ur right and umm if the teachers don't understand make them imagine themselves in Ur shoes. That prolly oughta help.