What the media is trying to hide is that a large part of these people they call "transgender", out of the general population, were born with medical conditions.
This is because they are pushing the agenda that gender is not biological.
Some were given surgery at birth, by doctors who follow the ideology that gender can just be chosen.
Some discover that they have a minor medical condition that can affect the hormone levels, like Klinefelter Syndrome, which is when the chromosomes are XXY.
While only a small number out of the Klinefelter Syndrome population have ambiguous genitalia, most are born appearing male, but about 20% end up living as female.
Someone may discover their condition during puberty, if their development does not go as expected. Someone might take a dna test and discover that they have XX chromosomes and a condition called CAH.
Some have very minor medical conditions that are left undiscovered, or can't be diagnosed.
In the end, what makes someone male or female?
The basic way someone thinks, how our brains work, that CAN NOT be changed, in contrast to the agenda the media is trying to push.