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Joined 2020-01-07
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Untitled Image in politics
2 ups, 2y
boy,you sure got me on that one. Do you have black cherry?
Untitled Image in politics
2 ups, 2y
Sometimes. I take them off every chance I get and they too don't protect me from that boogeyman
of yours that is able to fly out of a gnats ass without getting it's wings soiled. I have an immune system that works quite well. Perhaps if you are so concerned and terrified of that boogeyman you should wear a total body condom and hold your breath for extra protection.
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 2y
At least he got to re scare the shit out of Corn-pop again
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 2y
Also very economical to get ice cream treats