So stopping police brutality matters, but not preserving the rights of citizens to defend themselves from violent crazies on their own damn property doesn't!? Which do you think would cost society more lives, an unreformed police department, or a world where self-defense is illegal!?
Your side turned the world upside down over people lawfully defending their property, and yet you accuse us of distracting from more important issues? You are disgusting.
More people have been murdered by rioters in the past month than have been murdered by the police in the past ten years. David Dorn, David Patrick Underwood, Atalia Marie-Kelly, Jose Guitierez, Victor Cazares Jr., Francisco Montiel, Chris Batey are among them. The right of citizens to defend their private property is infinitely more important than curbing police brutality.
And your hypocrisy is sickening. You say conservatives are making a big deal about a gate, but this started when you made a big deal about people lawfully defending their property. Otherwise no one would have heard about this.