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ezdz (51112)
Joined 2022-11-05
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Defy in politics
1 up, 4d
All you need to know is his daughter gets paid by an NGO like USAID to help illegal immigrants fight deportion and his wife works for Planned Parenthood killing babies
Carvilla devil in politics
0 ups, 1w
i just thought he looked like that meme template soy guy so I troll ... i do my part haha hopefully it gets all the way to cryville .
Carvilla devil in politics
0 ups, 1w
he is an idiot but he is smarter than most libs, ,he may or may not be paid through act blue or some other ngo ultimately funded through usaid, if his endorsements or funding drys up he might come out of his traitor paid closet, or he is that satanic brainwashed idiot minion.. time will tell .
Carvilla devil in politics
0 ups, 1w
ive said plenty chucky boy