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evanshaller (13690)
Joined 2020-12-19
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Read the label before buying ... giving you the middle finger? in fun
1 up, 4mo
Wait 'till you see the fingersnaps.
Diversity is Strength in politics
1 up, 4y
hoping "irony" is a concept still in fashion
These are the facts, people. FACTS! in politics
7 ups, 4y
It is useful to note, be you Democrat or Republican, that it is very difficult to prove a case true if the courts refuse to even regard its merits. The question that has half the country vexed is, "Why are they refusing to hear the case?" These are not fabrications. There is sworn testimony under legal affidavit. There is VIDEO EVIDENCE, for God's sakes. And "suck it up buttercup" is your best response?
Putin Facepalm in politics
3 ups, 4y
The sentiment expressed here is contrary to all evidence