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dudebruh459 (58)
Joined 2023-03-16
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What Genocide does CGP Grey focus on? in fun
0 ups, 1y
Way to make the deaths of thousands of people look insignificant, GASP not white people getting any attention at all?
Only the names have changed. in Real_Politics
0 ups, 1y
How are they at all comparable to the Nazis? Under the nazis you would be arrested and killed for disagreeing and you were supposed to betray your own friends and family to turn them in.
Joe Biden is a dictator... in politics
0 ups, 1y
pretty sure the democrats aren't causing large-scale war and ethnic cleansing.
If you want me to like you... Buy my book! in Real_Politics
0 ups, 1y
are people with ideas aren't supposed to spread them? where is your proof for this
No wonder why government agencies wanted Robert censored... in politics
1 up, 1y
yeah because everybody knows the best way to spread the truth is through condescension and arrogance