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diosaur555 (2529)
Joined 2022-06-07
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Most people will remember the one on the right, chads will remember both in fun
1 up, 2y
regarding the pencil, I have to be sure 1/4 out of 50 students in a classroom would use those as blow-darts
Buff Doge vs. Cheems in fun
0 ups, 3y
What do you mean?
Birds have legs in fun
1 up, 3y
government drones aren't real they cost a lot of money to make the camera high quality and the recording last longer and it will be hard to attach it onto a real bird or make a realistic bird for the camera so the birds aren't real incident are just a rally of morons.
I Bet He's Thinking About Other Women in fun
0 ups, 3y
now we're asking the real questions