It makes sense actually because Telegram was made by Russians and not some woke soylent (((AmeriKKKunt))) Koshervative pussies who'd censor you, ban your entire 20-year-old account, fire you from your job, cancel you from society, force you to live offline with no internet, imprison you for the rest of your life and make you regret the moment you were born at the drop of a hat as per what their retarded, backward, non-existent -100 IQ brain cells call "hate" over a simple, harmless and factual statement with no hate, no slander, no insults, no threats and no calls for violence such as "Jews control the world."
Maybe not this meme, but this flag sure does, triggered oversensitive snowflake with double standards who gets triggered over a symbol of PEACE (go look it up, this isn't a "Nazi symbol!" It's a symbol of peace that countless Asian civilizations used as a symbol of peace for thousands of years) that did something a CENTURY ago and yet, here you are, a delusional keyboard warrior who've never opened even a single history book and submitting to the Star of Satan that leeched, subverted, destroyed 109 civilizations and is committing literal GENOCIDE and trying to normalize incest, bestiality, mutilation of body and pedophilia on the entire world as we speak because no one can handle how awesome it is! Oh! And I bet you are one of those "ALL OF THEM WERE THE PROBLEM! IT WAS JUST ONE BIG (((COHENCIDENCE))) THAT THEY WERE ALL 'RETARDED' ENOUGH TO BLAME IT ON JEWS BECAUSE THEY WERE JUST STUPID AND JUST WANTED TO BLAME IT ON SOMEONE ELSE!!! THE ENTIRE PLANET IS WRONG EXCEPT JEWS! YEAH BITCHES!!!"
F**K THE GENOCIDAL PEDOPHILIC ZOOPHILIC HOLOHOAX "VICTIMS"! See how hateful you sound? Mods, if you won't ban hatemongers like these, then you have no right to censor my comments over "hate."
"It is only Elijah who will not arrive on Shabbat eve, but the Messiah himself may arrive, for once the Messiah comes, all the nations will be subservient to the Jewish people, and they will help them prepare whatever is needed for Shabbat." - Eruvin 43b
"A gentile who engages in Torah study is liable to receive the death penalty; as it is stated: “Moses commanded us a law [torah], an inheritance of the congregation of Jacob” (Deuteronomy 33:4), indicating that it is an inheritance for us, and not for them." -Sanhedrin 59a
"But one may not allow a gentile to circumcise a Jew in any situation, because gentiles are suspected of bloodshed." -Avodah Zarah 26b