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dead_cube (57121)
Joined 2023-03-31
Ngl I was weird asl before. 😭
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Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
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If you high ball a feat Goku did in the red ribbon saga he would be at least light speed due to evading a laser beam from general Black's mech. You could also say that any character stronger than 22nd tenkaichi budokai Tien is a planet buster because the tri beam was stated to be far superior to the kamehameha and when Tien used it against semi-perfect Cell (estimated around 800 million power level) while not even being 3rd form Frieza (around 2 million power level) level he could hold him back, so with that difference in strength (400 times difference) between the user and the attack as well as Tien being at a strength at least double to Jackie Chun when he did his moon busting feat and the earth being 3.7 times the size of the moon would mean that 22nd tenkaichi budokai tien (power level around 380 in his absolute full power if you high ball a LOT) would be able to produce a tri beam with the power level of 152000, to put this into perspective it is five sixths of the power that great ape Vegeta had. You yourself said that Invincible has an estimated speed of around 100k, if we count the light speed statement that I said before and compare that saga Goku's power level (120 power level) with 22nd budokai tenkaichi Tien's (380 at absolute possible full power) we would see that the speed would at least be twice as fast, but we need to keep in mind that if someone is 5 power level and someone is at 10 power level it is not double strength but around 3 to 4 times difference due to 22nd budokai tenkaichi Tien being far more than just a few dozen times stronger than beginning of db Goku (10 power level), so with that estimation 22nd budokai tenkaichi Tien would be at the extreme least 12 times faster than light (due to something being required to be a little less than 2 times the speed of light to avoid it) which would still be a lot lower than Invincible but still fast enough to be able to fire off a tri beam and because comic Invincible only at most came to Nappa and Vegeta and due to the tri beam I mentioned being five sixths of great ape vegeta (180k power level) would not be able to survive the theoretical 152k power level tri beam. This is my reason to why Invincible would not be able to beat Tien from ogdb/22nd budokai tenkaichi. Also I don't really trust the daizenshuu cuz it does not allow as bullcrap high-balling for the most part. (I am a professional extreme glazer and high baller 😎)
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
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Ima comment a lotta yapping rq
two shoes wild in MS_memer_group
1 up, 2w
not me