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dangwood91887 (11)
Joined 2015-10-22
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George Washington in fun
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No. He was referring to EVERY citizen maintaining the right to bare arms and protect themselves from NOT ONLY petty criminals on the streets BUT MAINLY for the people to protect themselves from AN OUT OF CONTROL TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT. Our "elected" officials have become nothing more than puppets of the filthy rich who really run the country and have done so for quite some time. That should be obvious enough to everyone at this point. The politcians arent handed millions upon millions of dollars in campaign funding with out owing their loyalty to the elite donators. They don't serve the American people anymore they only serve whoever it is funding them and its always the same few elite families who contribute the bulk. How do you think the revolutionary war began? It was when they came to take the guns. Do you think the German people didn't have a right to bare arms before HITLER became DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED? Yes Germany was a "democracy" even then. He CONFISCATED the guns and made the people sitting ducks for what came next. Do some actual RESEARCH instead of going along with what the mainstream has brainwashed you into believing. And BTW, why is it that EVERY politician/public figure who calls for gun control, AKA gun banning, has multiple ARMED bodyguards protecting them 24/7? Are they gonna remove the firearms that are PROTECTING them when they remove YOUR RIGHT to protect yourself? No... Do you think that police would EVER be there to protect you if you're being robbed, raped, or murdered? If that were the case there wouldnt be any of these mass shootings in locations that dont allow civilians to be armed. Gun free zones assume you and I or any civilian that isnt working directly for the state are too incompetent to properly defend ourselves with a firearm. Do you think criminals won't still get guns if guns are banned? Well do drug dealers/addicts still get drugs even though they are banned? Yes.. Why do mass shooters ALWAYS choose GUN FREE ZONES to go on their killing sprees? Because they know the people are sitting ducks. Do some rational thinking about OUR RIGHT to bare arms and unless you're completely brainwashed with no hope of ever escaping the matrix and returning to reality, you'll see that the 2nd amendment HAS TO BE PRESERVED above all or else any remaining freedom we yet have will be lost along with it.