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coolGuyJohn (811)
Joined 2015-09-06
3 Featured Images
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Cat Snake in fun
1 up, 10y
Searched Google, found this exact image. Not disappointed. Searched Bing, found cartoon dicks. Not surprised. True story.
Homosexuals, liberals, and their bigotry towards Christians in fun
3 ups, 10y
In what way has Christianity been criminalised?
And everybody loses their minds in fun
1 up, 10y
When did Sarah Palin being factual happen? Genuine question.
Skeptical Baby in fun
0 ups, 10y
The legal system hasn't ended all crime? Might as well disband the police.
Homosexuals, liberals, and their bigotry towards Christians in fun
6 ups, 10y
America, the land for the free... to impose their beliefs on others. How bigoted of people not to follow your ideals.