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catscatscats (1560)
Joined 2013-05-11
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helga in fun
1 up, 10y
Is she sucking in her stomach or anorexic?
Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 11y
I love how there is still a small chance the terrorists will win.
Untitled Image in fun
1 up, 11y
The reason he can't fly is because the nazguel (riding fell beast's) would be able to find and kill them, then take the ring. And, Gandalf accompanies and helps Frodo as much as he can.
Untitled Image in fun
2 ups, 11y
I'm attacking this stupid notion. I am not saying everyone who believes in creationism is an idiot, I'm saying this ONE person, who thinks a bunch of scientists got together to make a virus and then got into a fight with god is being an idiot. Also, the person who blames evolution for no morels in America, is being an idiot.
Untitled Image in fun
2 ups, 11y
so... again, should sit back and let idiocy thrive?