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carolinasandstorm94 (1263)
Joined 2015-05-31
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Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 8y
and a i thank him for his service
Untitled Image in fun
1 up, 9y
I went with the red, white, and blue text for a reason
Everypony has a darkside in fun
0 ups, 9y
the fandom is a dark my title says....everypony, and I mean EVERYPONY has a darkside to them. If you want to stay happy I suggest you stick to the show and stay away from the creepypastas
Everypony has a darkside in fun
0 ups, 9y
actually no, in the original version Applebloom becomes Pinkamena's assistant...really did a number on Diamond Tiara....