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capie44 (9676)
Joined 2019-03-08
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Boomers in fun
0 ups, 3y
When I was going through the "young, dumb, and full, *21* I mean, I found the kids around me laughing and chiding the advice of the elderly.
I actually listened - not always, but listened.

I got some good advice from people that had been around the blocks.
The other dumb 21 year-olds learned from the School of Hard Knox.

We all get over that stage.
Well, most do.
The rest are libtards.

I'm a Boomer.
I've been around those blocks.
Pay attention to this meme.
Then enroll in a degree in "I am always" Wright University.

Robin Hood Logic in fun
0 ups, 3y
Isn't it amazing that Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Bin Laden, begin their careers as paupers fighting against "The Man," only to find themselves blissfully enjoying the very capitalism of being "The Man?"

All top government are capitalist -- no matter the government they force on the sheeple.

.Good post👍
Dark Matter 2525 Soul production in fun
0 ups, 3y
Really? You don't?

Look at God's actions from the rest of the planet's view.
It would help in sending Middle Eastern religions back to the Middle East where they belong.
Thanks for asking.
pl5 in fun
0 ups, 4y
Australians focus on things they don't care?
pl5 in fun
0 ups, 4y
Yeah. I do.
If someone doesn't pledge, go f**k
<thumb-up> :-)