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beanondog (1067)
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I’m fully convinced that these sort of incidents are mostly covert operations to make the anti-Zionist movement look bad in Anti-Zionist-Action
1 up, 3w
Oh yeah, I actually remember that from a while back. I vaguely remembered something like this when making the post, but I wasn’t completely sure what it was exactly. Thank you for reminding me what it is. And yeah, ik most of these staged events are most likely not directly connected to the CIA, I just implied it was in the meme for comedic effect.

I honestly think that this particular case was a completely independent Zionist who did this just to make the Pro-Pali movement look bad. What she probably didn’t realize, however, is that she had instead just proved our point that the so-called hate crimes you hear about against Jewish people by anti-Zionists are most likely just faked.

Not to say that there aren’t some bad apples within our movement, though.
Personally, I believe we should call Israeli “hostages” for what they are: POWs in Anti-Zionist-Action
1 up, 1mo
Reminds me of the “5 Israelis killed” vs “149 Palestinians dead” trope. This sort of dehumanizing language is so subtle that at first, I didn’t even notice anything wrong with the article title.

This is your daily reminder that the media is not unbiased. It has a strong bias, and that bias in no way favors Palestine.

These type of things aren’t just one off incidents, there has been literal studies of the subtle dehumanizing language used when describing Israelis vs describing Palestinians.

In the study below, it has been proven that Palestinian deaths were usually reported as “accidents”, while Israeli deaths were almost always reported as “victims of terrorism”.

Not to mention that in these articles, Israeli sources are used over 250% more than Palestinian sources. But I guess that’s not enough to not be considered “Jihadist sources” by Zionists.,-a-sentiment--N-Gram-analysis-of-US-mainstream-media-coverage-of-the-Israeli-occupation-of-Palestine-(December-18,-2019)
I’m fully convinced that these sort of incidents are mostly covert operations to make the anti-Zionist movement look bad in Anti-Zionist-Action
1 up, 1mo
Like I said in the title, at this point, I feel like these sort of incidents are covert operations from Zionists to make the pro-Palestine movement look bad. I’m not saying that our movement is perfect or doesn’t have bad apples, but I feel as if in the majority of cases in which we hear purported “antisemitic threats being yelled at by pro-Palestinian protestors,” the people in question are really just double agents.

It’s not as if these beliefs are based entirely on speculation either. The Telegraph was recently caught trying to do this by attempting to agitate a pro-Palestinian running a cafe while having a hidden camera, right here:

I’m sure that there are more incidents like these in which the people involved had gotten caught, so if there are any that you know of, then please let me know.
Context in the comments in Anti-Zionist-Action
1 up, 9mo

Basically, Zionists are trying to appropriate the watermelon symbol such as in the instance shown in this image, but it’s flopping so hard. However, Zionists have a long history of appropriating other stuff, so I wouldn’t be surprised.
One article is meant for people outside of “Israel” and the other for people in “Israel”. Guess which is which in Anti-Zionist-Action
1 up, 9mo
If Haaretz counts as the “Israeli” “left”, then I don’t want to know what counts as the right over there.