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allmivoyses (16316)
Joined 2019-11-05
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We Can't Breathe in politics
3 ups, 4y
If you remember basic biology and earth sciences from school you'll remember that ALL plant life on earth is dependent on CO2 to live. Do we want a green earth? Then we need CO2.
spongebob in fun
1 up, 5y
and "tonic", but they banned tonic because it cured covid.
spongebob in fun
2 ups, 5y
Anything is possible with......."Im-A-gin-aaaation!"
Aaaand it's Gone! in politics
0 ups, 5y
Upon reflection I should have just said "politicians" instead of naming a party. My bad. I really need to start being more "inclusive". ;)
Parenting 101 in fun
1 up, 5y
Ah, discipline. Refreshing in this day and age.